Gardening Tips & Information
There are many types of gardens, vast numbers of plants, and an unrelenting list of gardening terms that may be unfamiliar to the average person. With so much garden design info out there, how on earth does one begin to weed it all out? Well, for starters you can begin your search here. We provide gardening tips and information that is easy to understand. From various types of gardens to explanations about gardening terms and how tos, you are certain to find what you’re looking for. If not, let us know and we’ll be happy to add it.
Gardening Tips & Information
Harvest Moon Facts – What Is The Harvest Moon
Regardless of personal beliefs, the connection between the harvest moon and gardening is worth exploring. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
Plant Care Abbreviations: Information On Plant Acronyms In Gardening
Nursery and seed catalogs are full of plant abbreviations and acronyms and a lot are specific to each company. There are some, however, that are pretty consistent across the board. This article will help with understanding the plant acronyms in gardening.
By Liz Baessler
Cheesecloth Fabric: Tips For Using Cheesecloth In The Garden
Occasionally, due to references in articles, we hear the question, "What is cheesecloth?". While many of us already know the answer to this, some people don't. So what is it anyway and what does it have to do with gardening? Read on to learn more.
By Mary H. Dyer
What Are Hobby Farms – Hobby Farm Vs. Business Farm
Unclear about the difference between a hobby farm vs. business farm? Click here to learn what hobby farms are and how they differ.
By Amy Grant
What Is Room Cooling Of Produce: How Does Room Cooling Work
Room cooling is a common way to cool down fruits and vegetables after they are harvested. If you aren’t familiar with it, this article can help.
By Teo Spengler
How To Repot Plants In Containers
Repotting houseplants is a necessary but daunting task. So many plants have different needs. Luckily there are some easy rules to follow.
By Teo Spengler
What Are Green Burials – Learn About Earth-Friendly Burial Options
The passing of loved ones is never easy. Along with the loss, options for final arrangements can lbe overwhelming. Learn about earth-friendly burial options here.
By Tonya Barnett
Gardening And Addiction – How Gardening Helps In Recovery
Gardening is a great hobby for mental health. There is now evidence that gardening and being outdoors can aid in recovery from addiction as well. Click this article to learn more about using gardening as a tool to help with addiction recovery.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Growing Degree Day Information – Tips For Calculating Growing Degree Days
What are Growing Degree Days? Growing Degree Days (GDD) are a way researchers and growers can estimate the development of plants and insects during a growing season. You can learn more about the importance of Growing Degree Days in this article.
By Susan Albert
How To Force Dormancy In Plants For Overwintering Indoors
Learn how to put your plants to sleep for the winter and wake them up in spring.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Garden Writing Tips – How To Write A Garden Book
If you’re passionate about gardening, read and dream about gardening, and like to talk to everyone about your passion, then maybe you should write a book about gardening. How to turn your green thoughts into a book? Find out in this article.
By Amy Grant
Cleaning Garden Sculptures: What To Clean Garden Statues With
Garden statuary, bird baths, and fountains are fun and decorative additions to the landscape but just like the garden, they require maintenance. How do you clean a garden statue? It doesn’t take much. Click the following article to learn more about cleaning garden statues.
By Amy Grant
Visiting Botanical Gardens: Botanical Garden Tips For Enjoyment
Visiting a botanical garden is a memorable experience. Botanical gardens are a great place to learn about nature. Many offer several different interesting features or events to check out. For some tips on how to enjoy botanical gardens, click the following article.
By Mary H. Dyer
Botanical Art History: What Is The History Of Botanical Illustration
Botanical art history stretches further back in time, more than 4,000 years ago. If you enjoy collecting or creating botanical art, you may find it interesting to know how this specialized art form began and evolved over the years. This article will help with that.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Planting In Furrows: Are There Benefits To Furrow Gardening
While many homeowners choose to explore more intensive methods of producing vegetables, others may prefer more traditional growing techniques. Furrow gardening is a method that produces a beautiful garden, as well as high yields. Learn more here.
By Tonya Barnett
Types Of Fungicide: Using Fungicides In Your Garden
When using fungicides in your garden it is important to first determine if your plant actually needs a fungicide. The following article will provide information on using garden fungicides.
By Shari Armstrong
What Is An Eradicant Fungicide: Protectant Vs. Eradicant Fungicide Info
Fungicides are a very useful item in the gardener’s arsenal, and when used correctly, they can be extremely effective in the fight against disease. But before you start spraying, you should understand is the difference between protectant and eradicant fungicides. Learn more here.
By Liz Baessler