If only things could always go right in the garden. The fact of the matter is, sometimes they don't. Pests, disease, environmental hazards and more can strike your plants. Learn what they are and how to prevent them here.
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Editor's Picks
Kermes Scale Lifecycle: Tips On Treating Kermes Scale Insect Pests
What are kermes scale pests? Kermes scale are aggressive, sap-sucking pests that can cause significant damage to oak trees. Treating kermes scale on plants is attained by a variety of methods. Learn about kermes scale control in this article.
By Mary H. Dyer
How To Keep Deer From Eating Plants - Garden Deer Protection For Plants
Trying to keep deer out of the garden can be frustrating but with a little know-how and ingenuity, your efforts could be well worth the trouble. Read here to learn how to keep deer out of gardens.
By Nikki Tilley
What To Do About Ants – How To Get Rid Of Ants In The Garden
You may be troubled by ants invading your garden beds. If you want to know how to get rid of ants, or need help controlling them, click here.
By Gardening Know How
What Are Twig Pruner Beetles: Tips On Twig Pruner Beetle Control
Small branches and cleanly cut twigs on the ground around a tree may indicate a problem with twig pruner beetles. The beetles attack many types of trees. Find out about identifying and controlling twig pruner beetles in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Beaver Damage To Trees: How To Protect Trees From Beaver Damage
While it's frustrating to notice signs of beaver damage to trees, it's important to recognize the importance of these wetland creatures and strike a healthy balance. Click this article for some helpful tips for protecting trees from beaver damage.
By Mary H. Dyer
Needle Cast Treatment – Learn About Stigmina And Rhizosphaera Needle Cast In Trees
Have you ever seen a tree, such as spruce, with healthy-looking needles at the tips of the branches, but no needles at all as you look further down the branch? This is caused by needle cast disease. Find out more in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
Trap Plants For Aphids: Plants That Repel Aphids In The Garden
Controlling aphids with plants is an easy and effective practice that anyone can do. Use the information found in this article to learn more about plants that naturally repel aphids as well as trap plants for aphid pests.
By Liz Baessler
Types Of Moose Deterrents – Tips On Keeping Moose Out Of The Garden
Moose in the garden is a problem that doesn't happen in all parts of North America. That said, for those gardeners with a lifetime of experience of moose in yards, the key to success is mixing it up and confusing these huge grazers. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Freeze Damage To Plants - Information On How To Treat Frozen Plants
A crucial part of winterizing the garden is to protect half-hardy and sub-tropical plants. But what happens when they become frozen? Learn what to do in this article. Click here for more information.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Alternaria Leaf Spot: How To Treat Alternaria In The Garden
Alternaria leaf spot in the garden is a real problem for growers, causing plaque-like spots on leaves and fruits. Treating alternaria can be difficult, so this article will show you how to treat this gardener's nightmare.
By Kristi Waterworth
Soft Rot Disease: How To Help Prevent Soft Rot Bacteria
Bacterial soft rot disease is an infection that can devastate a crop of fleshy vegetables but affects other plants too. Learn more about the disease and how to control it in this article.
By Jackie Rhoades
Treating Cyclamen Mites: How To Control Cyclamen Mites
Cyclamen mites can be very damaging to flowering plants and often go undetected until damage is already done. Click here to learn more.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Wind Injury To Plants – How To Fix Wind Damaged Plants
Strong winds can damage or kill landscape plants. Dealing with wind damage promptly and properly can improve a plant's chances of survival, and in many cases, the plant will recover its former graceful glory. Learn more in this article.
By Jackie Carroll
What Are Boxelder Bugs And What Do Boxelder Bugs Look Like
What are boxelder bugs? Boxelder bugs are major nuisances around the house but, fortunately, boxelder bugs in gardens are relatively harmless. Click this article to learn more about boxelder bugs, including a few tips for boxelder bug control.
By Mary H. Dyer
Crabgrass Varieties: Information On Types Of Crabgrass Weeds
There are many different types of crabgrass. How many types of crabgrass are there? There are nearly 35 different species, depending upon whom you ask. Learn more about the most common forms of crabgrass in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Phytoplasma Life Cycle – What Is Phytoplasma Disease In Plants
What is phytoplasma disease? Well, first you need to understand the phytoplasma life cycle and how they are spread. New studies indicate that phytoplasma effects on plants can mimic damage shown by psyllid insects or leaf roll viruses. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Birds Eating My Flowers: Why Do Birds Eat Flower Buds
Gardeners are constantly worrying about protecting their plants from hungry deer, rabbits, and insects. Sometimes our feathered friends can also eat flowers and buds from certain plants. Click here to learn why this happens.
By Darcy Larum