Whether you've just gotten your first houseplant or are a seasoned plant parent, we've got all the tips you need.
Explore Houseplants
Growing Ferns Indoors
Indoor ferns lend a lovely ambience and, with the proper conditions and care, can be your favorite houseplant.
By Heather Rhoades
Ivy Houseplants - Information On Caring For Ivy Plants
Growing English ivy indoors is a great way to enjoy this attractive vine without setting it loose in the garden.
By Heather Rhoades
Drying Wet Soil – How To Fix Waterlogged Plant Soil
What to do if you overwater a plant? There are several signs and symptoms, and plenty of methods to fix the problem.
By Raffaele Di Lallo
Growing Norfolk Island Pine Trees - Norfolk Island Pine Care Tips
Caring for a Norfolk Island Pine as an indoor plant requires a few specific conditions, but is well worth the effort.
By Heather Rhoades
Philodendron Houseplants: How To Care For A Philodendron Plant
Philodendron care is easy because if you watch for the signals, the plant will tell you exactly what it needs. Click here to learn more.
By Jackie Carroll
Easy Care Houseplants: Indoor Plants That Are Hard To Kill
Some people have a magic touch when it comes to growing indoor plants with little effort. If you aren't one of these people, don't give up!
By Mary H. Dyer
Edible Plants Indoors - Tips On Growing Edible Houseplants
Is your houseplant edible? There is a multitude of indoor plants that you can eat, and the following article discusses which ones they are. Click here for more information.
By Amy Grant
How To Propagate Snake Plants
Tall and stunning, the snake plant can be easily propagated for gifts or houseplant elegance in multiple rooms.
By Bonnie L. Grant
How To Care For Anthurium Plants
Add a splash of tropical red to your houseplant menagerie with all the ins and outs of anthurium care.
By Heather Rhoades
Dracaena Care: How To Grow A Dracaena As A Houseplant
Caring for a dracaena as an indoor plant is easy when the temperatures aren’t too cold and the light isn’t too direct. We'll teach you how.
By Becca Badgett
Spider Plant Care: Gardening Tips For Spider Plants
Spider plants are low-maintenance and beautiful, and they frequently shoot out baby versions of themselves called "spiderettes." Try growing one now.
By Teo Spengler
Care Of Peace Lilies As Houseplants
Looking for a beautiful, easy-care houseplant? Read these tips for growing the graceful easy-going Peace Lily.
By Heather Rhoades
How To Propagate Croton Plants
Want to propagate croton plants? We'll teach you how to create more of these beautiful and colorful houseplants.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
Snake Plant Care Guide
Snake plant care is easy and rewarding. Click here to learn all about snake plant growing requirements.
By Mary Ellen Ellis
How to Propagate Philodendron Plants: Philodendron Propagation Tips
When philodendron vines get too long, you can take cuttings from the plant to grow more. Read on to learn more about philodendron propagation.
By Laura Walters
Post-Holiday Plant Care
Keeping gift plants happy and healthy through the holiday season is easy, but getting them to last is the trick.
By Amy Draiss
Growing A Polka Dot Plant - Information On Polka Dot Plant Care Indoors And Out
Want to grow a plant with foliage so stunning it doesn't even need flowers? Click here to learn all about the polka dot plant.
By Bonnie L. Grant