Most people love fruit but not everyone is confident enough for growing fruits in the garden. Don’t let this deter you. We can help with tips on how to grow fruits and berries of all kinds. Whether a seasoned gardener or just starting out, creating an edible fruit garden is easy. From common types of fruit (strawberries, watermelons, etc.) to tropical fruit tree growing (lemons, kumquats, etc.), there’s something here for everyone. Use our tips on growing fruits in the garden and you'll be on your way to eating home-grown fruit of your very own.
Explore Fruits
Bartlett Pear Information – How To Care For Bartlett Pear Tree
Growing Bartlett pears in your home orchard will give you a continual supply of this delicious fruit. For Bartlett pear information plus tips on how to care for a Bartlett pear tree, the following article will help. Click here to learn more.
By Teo Spengler
Strawberry Seed Growing: Tips On Saving Strawberry Seeds
It's obvious that strawberries have seeds, so how about saving strawberry seeds to grow? The question is how to save strawberry seeds for planting. Inquiring minds want to know, so click this article to find out what I learned about growing strawberry seeds.
By Amy Grant
What Is A Hardy Chicago Fig – Learn About Cold Tolerant Fig Trees
Generally, folks living in cooler climes can't grow figs, right? Wrong. Meet the Chicago Hardy fig. This cold tolerant fig tree that can be grown in USDA zones 5-10 - perfect for cold weather regions. Click here to find out about growing hardy Chicago fig.
By Amy Grant
Germinating Elderberry Seeds – Elderberry Seed Growing Tips
If you are cultivating elderberries for commercial or personal harvest, growing elderberry from seed may not be the most efficient way to go, however, it is possible. Click here to learn more.
By Teo Spengler
Satsuma Plum Care: Learn About Japanese Plum Growing
The most common plum variety grown is European plum, which is primarily turned into preserves and other cooked products. If you want a juicy plum to eat right off the tree, the choice is most likely a Satsuma Japanese plum tree. Click here for more info.
By Amy Grant
Care For Serviceberry Trees: Growing Autumn Brilliance Serviceberries
Looking for a small tree/shrub with brilliant fall color to liven up the landscape this autumn? Consider the aptly named serviceberry, "Autumn Brilliance", which sports gorgeous orange/red fall color and is disease resistant. Learn more here.
By Amy Grant
Loganberry Plant Info: How To Grow Loganberries In The Garden
The loganberry is a blackberry-raspberry hybrid discovered somewhat by accident in the 19th century. Since then it has become a mainstay in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Click here to learn more about loganberry plant care and how to grow loganberries at home.
By Liz Baessler
What Is A Brown Turkey Fig: Tips For Growing Brown Turkeys
Brown Turkey figs are adaptable to temperate regions. What is a Brown Turkey fig? Brown Turkey fig trees are easy to prune to manage height, adaptable to many soils and prolific fruit producers. Learn more about them in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Cooking With Persimmons
Want to use persimmons in the kitchen? Click here to learn how to harvest and prepare this fall favorite fruit.
By Amy Grant
Elberta Peach Trees – How To Grow An Elberta Peach Tree
Elberta peaches are called America’s favorite peaches and are among the most prolific around, a winning combination for those with home orchards. If you want to grow an Elberta peach tree in your backyard, this article will help get you started.
By Teo Spengler
Varieties Of Orange Fruit: Learn About Different Types Of Oranges
Generally speaking, orange juice as we know it in North America comes from navel oranges. However, there are many types of oranges. Just how many orange varieties are there? Find out in this article. Click here for more info.
By Amy Grant
Growing Tropi-Berta Peaches: What Is A Tropi-Berta Peach
Those growing Tropi-Berta peaches rank them among the tastiest August-ripening peaches, and the trees are extremely adaptable. If you are seeking a new fruit tree for a home orchard and ready to bet on a promising but less-known variety, click here.
By Teo Spengler
Southern Belle Nectarines: Learn About Southern Belle Tree Care
If you love peaches but don’t have a landscape that can sustain a larger tree, try growing a Southern Belle nectarine. With its fairly diminutive height, the nectarine ‘Southern Belle’ can be container grown easily. Learn more about this fruit tree in the following article.
By Amy Grant
Blushingstar Peaches – How To Grow Blushingstar Peach Trees
Blushingstar peaches are one of the classic examples of white-fleshed stone fruit. The trees are fairly unfussy and can produce in just 2 to 3 years. Some tips on how to grow Blushingstar trees will send you on your way to enjoying this outstanding fruit. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Golden Transparent Gage Info – Growing A Golden Transparent Gage At Home
If you are a fan of the group of plums called "gages," you will love Golden Transparent gage plums. Golden Transparent gage trees prefer warmer conditions and produce smaller but very flavorful fruit. Learn more about them in this article.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Plum Prunus Stem Pitting Disease – Managing Stem Pitting On Plum Trees
Plum Prunus stem pitting is not as common as it is in peach, but does occur and can have a negative impact on the crop. There are no resistant varieties of Prunus at this writing, but there are a few options to control and avoid the disease in your plum trees. Learn more here.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Apple Cotton Root Rot Control: Treating Apple Cotton Root Rot Symptoms
If you have apple trees in your backyard orchard, you probably need to learn about apple cotton root rot symptoms. Click this article for what to look for if you have apples with cotton root rot, as well as information on apple cotton root rot control.
By Teo Spengler